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Across the Nile - Amy Macdonald

Save Save & Exit Cancel How to Format Lyrics: Type out all lyrics, even if it’s a chorus that’s repeated throughout the song The Section Header button breaks up song sections. Highlight the text then click the link Use Bold and Italics only to distinguish between different singers in the same verse. E.g. “Verse 1: Kanye West, Jay-Z , Both ” Capitalize each line To move an annotation to different lyrics in the song, use the [...] menu to switch to referent editing mode [Verse 1]
Wave your flag high above your head
You deserve to smile, celebrate in style
Cause everything that depressed you now is gone
And eighteen days while the world looked on
You stood your ground, kept holding strong
Eighteen days while the world looked on

Across the Nile there are stars tonight
And they shine much brighter than before
Across the Nile there's peace and love tonight
And it shows much stronger than before
Much stronger than before

[Verse 2]
Free and fair life they said it would be
Cross our fingers, wait and see
And dream of a better day
And across the world you've shown them all
That hope and strength can conquer all
Will we stand together again?

Across the Nile there are stars tonight
And they shine much brighter than before
Across the Nile there's peace and love tonight
And it shows much stronger than before
Much stronger than before
Hope and strength can conquer all
You've shown the world how the mighty fall
And across the Nile there are stars
Much brighter than before Embed Share URL Copy Embed Copy

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